Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Foil sample boards...

The kids are back to school after their five day weekend. They got two days off because school was cancelled due to extreme cold and Monday off for Martin Luther King Day. Now that they are in school, I've got a chance to post my samples I made using my foils.

These first two are for a frame design to go around a 30' long mirror at a Salon I'm bidding on. They are very similar, the only difference is the second one doesn't have a color wash over the gold foiled design. The base is a copper metallic paint. Then I added some Van dyke brown, turquoise and gold.

I'm not a photographer and it's hard to get a good picture of anything metallic... at least for me.

This next one is my first attempt at matching our inspiration piece from 2008 Salon. I did this without my picture of the original with me. I can see now that there is more black showing than the original had and I need to add more of the magenta and blue to it. Back to the studio to work on this one. I also want to give the drip lines a little more color, so they don't look so washed out. Yep, the drips are part of the design. This has a black base with gold foil over it. Then a magenta and blue colorwash. Finally, the drips are added. This one gets messy, thank goodness for dropcloths. I like how this one is looking!

This last one isn't photographing the way I'd like it too. It looks pretty cool in person. It has an off white base coat. Next, I applied the clear halographic foil. I cut/tore the foil and placed it in sections, letting some pieces overlap to create more depth and interest. Finally, I added a turquise colorwash over the entire thing. I think this would be a cool look in a small bathroom (Joyce, your bathroom off the front door comes to mind). It would also look pretty cool on a ceiling.

Actually, I think I'm going to add some of the clear halographic foil to my basement ceiling. It has a stone texture to it and this will add a little umph (is that a word) to it, yet be subtle. It really looks cool when the light hits it, rainbow colors. Pictures of that will be coming soon.

Until next time....


goooooood girl said...

your blog is so good......

Joyce said...

T- your sample boards are looking good!! xoxo