Monday, February 2, 2009

Meet my family…

Ok, so I’m still trying to figure out what all I want to include in my blog.  I started it mostly to show painting projects that I’m working on, thinking about, or have already completed.  But, part of me also wants to share some of my day to day craziness.  I hope I make sense and this doesn’t turn into some crazy mixed up jumbled mess (wait, that seems to describe my life perfectly).  Did I mention, I love spontaneity and seem to work my best under the pressure of a deadline?

I guess one of the first things I feel I need to say is… I was never good at writing.  I tend to have ALOT of run-on sentences and I’m not the best speller.  However, I think if you ever talk to me I probably talk in run-on sentences too.  When I have something to say I like to get it out there before I forget it.  And if I’ve had a lot of coffee or I’m really excited about something, watch out cuz I can talk really fast then.  By the way, I’m about finished with a half a pot of coffee at this point.

Wedding PictureSo, a little more about me and my family.  I’ve got a very  handsome husband, John is one of the nicest people I’ve ever known.  I’ve never known anyone to be so genuinely nice.  You can just tell it comes so naturally for him.  He is very supportive of my painting and business.  He doesn’t always see my vision, but he trust me and so far, he’s liked everything I’ve done.  He taught me that “everything happens for a reason”.  That is one of the most important things I’ve learned in my life.  It’s one of the three most precious gifts he’s given me.  The other two, are our wonderful children… Jake and Jessica (better known as Jess).

Jake 1Jake is eight and loves football, Brett Farve, baseball, PS2, Wii, and  music.  He adores his father.  From the time he was four, up until last year, he would dress like his dad almost every day.  I think he wore a shirt and tie to preschool/kindergarten 90% of the time, because he wanted to dress like dad.  He still prefers to be with his dad over anyone else.  He’s even turned down play dates with friends if dad is going to be home.  I hope they never lose that bond.

jess on boatJess is six and loves fashion, polly pockets, bratz, iCarly, and being  with her friends.  She is my little social butterfly.  She comes up with the craziest outfits, but you gotta love them.  Although we are already butting heads over some of them.  She doesn’t seem to understand why tanktops aren’t appropriate in the winter.  Jess is the sweetest girl, most of the time.  Lately, she has been testing out how far she can get with the sassiness and showing some attitude.  I can see many confrontations in our future, but for now, I’m enjoying the sweetness and trying to nip the attitude in the butt.  I know, I know I’ve got a long road ahead of me.  So far though, I can say her kindness, sense of humor and the fact  I think she is so darn cute is outweighing those sassy moments.

Let’s see, what else?  Oh, we currently have three cats. 

P2020028The first one we got was Spooner Baby (commonly referred to as Spoonie).  We got her from a shelter in Spooner Wisconsin in 2005. She is really friendly and doesn’t let any of our guests visit without giving her some of their attention.  She’s kinda long haired, tiger colored with white. 



The second one we got is Jelly Bean.  We got him on Easter in 2006  from my parents.  He is the coolest cat, everybody LOVES him.  He is a big fluffy moosh ball.  He loves to be held and just flops over your shoulder.  Unfortunately, the past several months he has been having some kidney problems.  Looks like we are going to have to get him on a special diet to try and prevent his reoccurring kidney infections.jelly bean in backpackP2020018





Finally, our third cat is Cali.  Once again, she came from my parents.  She is Jelly Bean’s half sister.  We got her in August 2007, on my birthday.  Cali has no tail, just like her mother.  She is a nice cat, a little more stand-offish than the other two.  We are currently trying to find her a new home.  She is too young to be on the special diet that Jelly needs to be on and it’s too hard to try and keep it separate.  Plus, I must admit John was right three cats is too many.

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Ok, so now you’ve met my family.  I’ll be posting updates on us as well and my projects and anything else I find interesting to share.  Like I said, hopefully you can follow my writing and make some sense of it.  Just remember, I’m a painter not a writer. 

By the way, if you’ve got the time, leave me some comments.  This way I know I’m not just talking/writing to myself.  Enjoy the day!


Joyce said...

A very nice post T AND I'm glad that you share your family with us BTW run on sentences are not a bad thing, are they? LOL...

Tracy said...

Ha ha, you silly girl. I talk with run on sentences, why not write them too. Hope you get some rest this afternoon.

Ina in Alaska said...

Hi Tracy! I am visiting YOUR blog now!! Nice introduction to you and your lovely family and cute kitties! Glad I am getting to know you at the beginning of your blog. Congratulations on your business, and I look forward to enjoying your posts. Please give Joyce a big hug from me. Although she and I have never met, I think she is one of the kindest, most sincere people and I look forward to meeting her one day! xo

Tracy said...

Ina, thanks for visiting. I really enjoy your blog. You right Joyce IS very kind, she's THE BEST.

Mary said...

Good Morning - so happy you found my blog - I assume through Joyce ?
I love your work and will keep you in my files - I just finished a design job in never know what the future holds .... "there are no accidents" is one of my favorite reminders that life is just as it should be.

Anonymous said...

Things do happen for a finding you was the fulfillment of a long-time wish to have a great family to call my own. You are a good wife & mother as well as a wonderfaux painter. Everyday I am very thankful for our family. I do trust you even though I sometimes am unsure of how your ideas will look in reality. Keep on trying to convey your creativity, which shows through in so many situations besides painting, to me. I actually think it's starting to rub off. I'm proud of you.