Saturday, January 17, 2009

Foil sample ideas...

Today, my plan is to play around and make some samples with my foils (I say play, because it really doesn't feel like work when I'm in the studio). I've got a couple ideas I want to work on.

First one is a sample for a job I'm bidding on. I need to create a frame to go around a 30' long mirror. My idea is to do a copper textured finish with a gold foil stencil.

Second one is for my very dear friend, Joyce. We saw this painting at the 2008 Salon.

Painting by: Lauren Childs

We decided that something like this would look awesome above her fireplace.

And finally, I want to create a sample with my clear halographic foil. I saw a picture of a finish in Gary Lord's book "It's Faux Easy with Gary Lord".

So, down to the studio I go. I'll post pictures of the completed samples.


Gayle said...

Nice, T! I can't wait to see Joyce's fireplace when you are done! They say to find a career doing something that you love and you've done it! What many find a chore, you find it to be relaxing and a pleasure----PAINTING!!!! Keep following your heart, your dreams and you will continue to have much success! LOVE YOU! G

Tracy said...

Thanks Gayle. I do feel very fortunate to be able to do what I love. The best part is being able to share it with other.


Joyce said...

Oh boy- you have your dessert plate full! I can't wait to see the samples. xoxo