Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My little painters.

I came across these pictures while searching through my disks of old photos.  I can laugh about it now, but at the time it was a nightmare.

We live on a hill, so we’ve got this cement wall outside our garage.  I suppose it’s to keep the hill in place, but it’s quite ugly.   One day, I was playing around and painting it to look like limestone.  I used those little bottles of acrylic paint you get at the craft store, mixed with a little glaze.  When I started it, I thought it would come off when it rained, so I was just testing things out to see how it would look.  Well, to my surprise two years later it was still there, unfinished and looking like crap. 

So, one day while I was doing some painting in the garage, Jake and Jess wanted to do some painting too.  This is nothing unusual, every time I paint they want to paint too.  I decided what the heck, I’ll let them paint the cement wall.  You can see some of the paint got on the wall. 

We (probably more me than John) decided just let them have fun.  It’s nice outside, we can just hose them off when they are done.  Yeah right!  This paint dried on them and it was a total nightmare to get off.  But look how much fun they had doing it.

Jess looks like a little boy here with her short hair and no shirt on.  I think we had two summers straight where she went topless.  Ahhh, to be a carefree little girl.  She’s six now and won’t even get changed without closing her door now.  I’m sure one day she’s going to hate these pictures, but they are so cute.


Joyce said...

T- I love these pictures! What great memories you created that day. xoxo

preppyplayer said...

I agree with joyce. They look like they are taking part in something their mom loves and they are REALLY enjoying it!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you took pictures! These are precious!