Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My Studio – before the cleaning

I can’t believe I’ve let my studio get so messy.  It usually gets messy when I’m in the middle of projects, but this time it has gotten WAY out of control.  Look, you can’t even see my desk because it’s buried.P3160006


P3160008One of my favorite things in the studio is my sink.  What a luxury it is to not have to run to the garage to clean my brushes.

So, my current project is to get this studio back in order.  I started on it yesterday and plan on finishing it today.  I need to have room so I can get started on some sample boards I need to do.  Also I am procrastinating a little. I’m supposed to be working on getting my tax stuff ready.  John if you are reading this, I promise I’ll work on the taxes tomorrow. 

I’ll post the completed project…hopefully later today.


Mary said...

You make me feel sooooo much better
I've been working on mine for weeks ! And it is hard to stay inside these few days - I'm taking a vacation day and working OUTSIDE

Ray and Jeanne said...

Better not let the fire marshall see this!

Tracy said...

It's getting better. I've spent the better part of two days working on it. A couple hours was spent building a rack for my sample boards. I'm very happy with how the room is coming along. A little more to do, then I'll post the after pictures.

Gayle said...

T, Jack said how nice your basement looked and how you fixed up your office. I'll have to come and see!!!!!!!! Good luck with your taxes....I'm glad Jack handles that....to the tax m stuff!!
;-) G

Joyce said...

T- you are too funny! AND a very speedy cleaner!! xoxo